sketchbook stickers Emoji (34)
large letters-2 / meet
Everyday. Rabbit -1
Mr. White's ('-') daily life -3
Frequently Used Words [Simple] Everyday
Record of physical condition -1 headache
Record of physical condition -2 headache
Diet diary - 3 Supplements/record
Diet diary - 2
autumn/fall [ dot emoji / Pixel art ]
Large letters - 4 / homecoming
Cat. Emotional expression
I like "Cooking".
Large letters-3/admitted to the hospital
I like "Shogi". "Japanese chess"
Large letters - 2 / ephysical condition
Usasan's - 2
Large letters - 1 / Go to the hospital
Good morning. CAT -2
I like "books". -2
Hair freely cat. -1
Flower -3 [Spring] Thanks/Congratulation
Flower -2 [Spring][Greeting/polite]
Flower -1 [Spring][Greeting/polite]
Usasan's - 1
Mr. White's ('-') daily life -2
I like "books".
Animation only icon
Moving Sticker-Mr. White's daily life -1
Animation only icon
moving Sticker "NICE""AWESOME",and so on
OK! , and so on [2]- Miniature dachshund
Diet diary - 1
CAT. Good morning, and so on.
Thank you. CAT
Good morning. CAT
OK! , and so on