satty stickers Emoji (41)
spring combination, space-saving sticker
My Tochigi train
Use in combination2
My Yamanote Line station name
Animation only icon
Emoji I tried moving every day
Animation only icon
I tried to move emoji
Big Emoji can be used in the cold winter
3cats you can use every day
My Chuo line.
Big lEmoji lethargy tweets
Honorific titles that can be used
A cat that says twice. Space saving
Deca character Communicate feelings
Large letters Calligraphy style
Year-end and New Year 2020-2021
THE Japanese KANJI new year
Halloween of Busakuro living in Akabane
I have high female power
Dead language
Can be used every day in summer
Complain in big letters
Anyway, a cat that often uses honorifics
Deca character Remote work.
Neon Deca character Congratulations!
Balloon Deca character basic
Cats often play social games
Cat that talks well
Sloth Cats3
My Tobu Tojo line.
THE Japanese KANJI handsign ver.
Balloon Deca character usually
teaser notice
THE Japanese KANJI summer ver.
Balloon Deca character summer
Deca character speech bubble honorific
Tokyo meeting place name