O-Jirou stickers Emoji (289)
Animation only icon
Animation Emoji with the message.
The sticker which can convey a feeling 2
Animation only icon
Animation Emoji of the simple man 2
Animation only icon
An emoticon to move.
The sticker which can convey a feeling.
Animation only icon
Animation Emoji of the simple man
Basic mascot to use by an honorific.
It is a slim sticker of basic mascot.
Emoji which wants to laugh
Animation only icon
The animation sticker of the smile.
Animation only icon
Animation sticker which wants to laugh
Basic mascot usable every day.
Animation only icon
Animation sticker of the love.
Big sticker of careful words.
Animation only icon
Animation sticker of the basic mascot.
Emoji of the smile.
Animation only icon
Animation sticker of small mascot.
The emoticon that it is easy to use
Animation only icon
It is like the child!
Is colorful; a big letter 2
Emoji of simple and colorful smile2
I do not lose in corona!
Emoji of simple and colorful smile
I want to nurse delusions.
I want to be languid today.
Animation only icon
Sticker which wants to convey love.
Animation only icon
I am modest.
Animation only icon
The feeling that I want to laugh today
Emoji of the simple man usable anytime2
Animation only icon
Sticker to tell like a brick 2
Animation only icon
Sticker to tell like a brick
When I want to push the reality away
Emoji of the simple man usable anytime
Animation only icon
Animation sticker which conveys love.
Pray for the end of corona 2
Animation only icon
Pray for the end of corona