Akari Yoshida stickers Emoji (1,167)
Animation only icon
Trains and stations
Certificate (Korean)
Certificate (Large)
Animation only icon
Animation of moving stamps
Military aircraft insignia 2
Animation only icon
Old limited express roll sign B
Animation only icon
Rollsign (Blue) Kansai dialect
Animation only icon
Moving keyboard
Animation only icon
Letters with moving letters (Rose)
Hyakunin Isshu Karuta (poet)
Animation only icon
Letters with moving letters (ribbon)
Yankee uniform (black) 3
Animation only icon
Glowing medals and award shields
Animation only icon
Imprint animation
Animation only icon
Shogi piece (animation)
Daily calendar (bilingual)
Interphone (Kansai dialect)
Yankee uniform (White)
Animation only icon
Old railroad ticket gates D
Animation only icon
Ice lolly (animation)
Cosmetic items
Animation only icon
Mahjong tiles (animation)
Railroad company category
European style emblem
Rose pattern letter
Animation only icon
Trains and platforms
School subject magnet
Animation only icon
Trains and traffic lights
Animation only icon
Limited express roll sign (D)
Nostalgic Japanese train (D)
Message sticker
Drink cans (alphabet)
Animation only icon
Moving Rollsign (Limited express 5)
Hyakunin Isshu Karuta (female)
Sumo Gunbai Fan (C)
Kansai dialect hanging scroll
SD card