DAICHI stickers Emoji (5,000)
Large text Sticker no.1 onikun
Large text Sticker no.1 onukun
Large text Sticker no.1 urekun
Large text Sticker no.1 urokun
Name sticker sent to teechan
Large text Sticker no.1 uwakun
Name sticker sent to teochan
Large text Sticker no.1 unkun
Name sticker sent to tekachan
Large text Sticker no.1 waachan
Name sticker sent to tekichan
Large text Sticker no.1 waachan 2
Name sticker sent to tekuchan
Large text Sticker no.1 waichan
Name sticker sent to tekechan
Large text Sticker no.1 wauchan
Name sticker sent to tekochan
Name sticker sent to tesachan
Large text Sticker no.1 waechan
Large text Sticker no.1 waochan
Name sticker sent to tesichan
Large text Sticker no.1 wakachan 2
Name sticker sent to tesuchan
Large text Sticker no.1 wakichan
Name sticker sent to tesechan
Large text Sticker no.1 wakuchan
Name sticker sent to tesochan
Large text Sticker no.1 wakechan
Name sticker sent to tetachan
Large text Sticker no.1 eakun
Name sticker sent to tetichan
Large text Sticker no.1 eikun
Name sticker sent to tecchan
Large text Sticker no.1 eukun
Name sticker sent to tetuchan
Large text Sticker no.1 eekun