2TALK stickers Emoji (5,000)
DJ Tamome Pinky Girl
SUNDAY Tamome Pinky Girl
SUGAR Tamome Pinky Girl e
PISUEY Tamome Pinky Girl
VESPA Tamome Pinky Girl
MAKEM Tamome Pinky Girl
KRUAI Tamome Pinky Girl
NONGLEK Tamome Pinky Girl
TUM5 Tamome Pinky Girl
NONGTAM Tamome Pinky Girl
NONGSUK Tamome Pinky Girl
JAMPEE Tamome Pinky Girl
HIZ Love U my boy
NAMING2 Love U my boy
KRUPAO happy birthday to U
JAFE happy birthday to U
BOW happy birthday to U
PITA3 happy birthday to U
BUDDY happy birthday to U
TU happy birthday to U e
JUNE happy birthday to U
PIGIB happy birthday to U
YAM happy birthday to U
COKE happy birthday to U
NED happy birthday to U
UT Take a leave
AUTO Take a leave e
PITIM Take a leave
KRUYA Take a leave
KAD Take a leave
TOMM Take a leave
MOTE Take a leave
MAE4 Take a leave
PEE3 Love U my boy
RUNGFAH Love U my boy
KARN4 Love U my boy