Neder stickers Emoji (62)
I'll tell you the future [clairvoyance]
Highly competent consultants [useful]
Let's play baseball [Useful, Funny]
Worried grandmother [interesting]
Chinese girl full of energy [useful]
Blacks in poor health.[sick leave]
Everyday Life of Kimono Beauties.[Cute]
Animation only icon
Daily conversation with glittering text.
Everyday life of a millionaire. [rich]
Gang Marmot[interesting and useful]
Aristocratic lady with a bad mouth.
Daily life of Sumo wrestler [useful]
Daily Conversation of Newscasters.
Ramen store manager[interesting, useful]
Everyday Life for Adult Women [Korea]
Earth-Dwelling Aliens[Interesting, fun]
Athletic sales businessman[interesting]
Safety-first field workers.[interesting]
MAIKO's Daily Life [Convenient, Useful]
Invitation from heavy drinker[Drinking]
Police officers arrest.[interesting]
Santa Claus Breaking Dream[Funny useful]
Collection of Political Statements.
Kansai beauty Daily Life[Kansai Dialect]
Middle-aged men who like you.[useful]
Daily life of Yakuza[Useful, Funny]
Doctor's consultation[Useful, Funny]
Busy days of a programmer[Useful, funny]
Lines often said by the last boss[funny]
An old man who is broke and in debt.
Hakata beauty Daily Life[Hakata Dialect]
Lines commonly said by school students.
Daily life of a miniature piggy. [cute]
Americans in crisis[useful, interesting]
Soccer referees [useful, interesting]
A death flag has been raised. [Useful]