yoroniku stickers Emoji (531)
I LOVE my husband.
I LOVE my wife..
Japanese dictionary sticker
You are brought up sticker
You are attractive boy
You are attractive girl
Im drunk too much girl Part8 Small
Im drunk too much boy Part8 Small
((speech bubble sticker))
Korean speech bubble Part1
I am OZISAN Part7
We are best couple
Do you wanna eat sushi?
I have a mushroom2
Im crash on you
I am hindrance heavy smoker
I am OZISAN Part6
I have a abalone2
I need my husband
I need my wife
I am heavy smoker Part2
I need my boy friend
I need my girl friend
Im not fat!!
Im drunk too much girl Part8
Im drunk too much Part8
BIG Happy new year 2023
I like my boy friend 2023
I like my girl friend 2023
I have a abalone
2023 excuse
I have a mushroom.
Youre not my boy friend
Youre not my girl friend
I like US!!
Couple LINE messages