TYJ stickers Emoji (5,000)
I don't need a reason to love you2
You are my heartbeat12
take back the three small green-10
Don't talk nonsense Green 30
you will become unruly. Purple -10
I don't need a reason to love you1
I'll bite you Purple 30
You are my heartbeat8
drunk but never afraid. Blue 40
I want to taste the bitterness of love
I'll tell you sweet words
Don't talk nonsense Green 40
take back three small green 30
I'll bite you Purple 20
You are my heartbeat11
Your brain needs maintenance. Red 40
How Much Do You Love Me Red 40
I'm not a good person. Purple 40
Taiwanese large characters blue-green
fill up your glass Purple 40
Earthy Love Talk 3
Earthy Love Talk 8
you will become unbelievable. Purple 30
The boss is here. Coffee purple-50
What are you talking about126
A mouthful of coffee 20
Phonetic Notation Blue Green 30
I'm not a good person. Purple-10
Taiwanese Large Characters Purple
There is cooking at home 15
How Much Do You Love Me Red-10
but you are so short Blue-green
but I'm not a fool 45
A mouthful of coffee-10
Don't talk nonsense Green-10
Purchased Kids Love Purple-50