What a stickers that can hurt your head
This sticker can hurt my head but if you choose your boyfriend instead it will wasted my heart.
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More works from Keb Money Pai Buy Yan-O-Wa-Gast
You look like mine
Looks like a Scammer
Excuse me, are you my love ?
1 text 38 million meaning V. Working 3
Hello, am i your love?
Japanese easy a little
Just want to be the best seller sticker
Animal's tongue tired
What a stickers that can hurt your neck
Liquid elephant Normal Sticker
Just change background chat to pink V.5
1 text 38 million meaning
Oh, what is that !
1 text 38 million meaning V2
1 text 38 million meaning V. Working
Oh, what is that ! V4
Just change background chat to pink V.4
Oh, what is that ! V3