Kyapibara [slim eyes]
This is Capibara with narrow eyes.
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More works from ribi
Kyapibara King [Renewal]
Kyapibara [Hospital 3]
Kyapinyanko [Summer]
Kyapibara [Summer 5]
Popup only icon
Pop-up! Kyapibara [Halloween]
Kyapibara [Disaster Prevention]
Kyapibara [Happy New Year/Resale]
Kyapibara [Conveying emotions]
Kyapibara [Meeting]
Kyapibara Girls' Club [Flowers/Renewal]
Amabie [Manga-style speech bubble]
Kyapibara Girls' Club [Hospital]
Kyapibara [Kitakyushu dialect 2]
Kyapibara [Manga-style speech bubble]
Kyapibara [on-site work]
Popup only icon
Pop-up!Miniature Pinscher [Black]
Popup only icon
Pop-up! Miniature Pinscher [Brown]