DAICHI stickers Emoji (5,000)
Large text Sticker no.1 nawakun
Large text Sticker no.1 nankun
Name sticker sent to syoutarou
Name sticker3 sent to irochan
Large text Sticker no.1 naakun 2
Name sticker sent to sinitirou k
Name sticker3 sent to iwachan
Large text Sticker no.1 naukun
Name sticker sent to maiko k3
Name sticker3 sent to iwochan
Name sticker3 sent to inchan
Name sticker sent to makiko k2
Large text Sticker no.1 nekun
Name sticker3 sent to arochan
Large text Sticker no.1 naokun 2
Name sticker sent to yamachan
Name sticker3 sent to awachan
Large text Sticker no.1 nakakun
Name sticker sent to yayachan
Name sticker3 sent to anchan
Large text Sticker no.1 nakikun
Name sticker sent to yayuchan
Name sticker3 sent to iachan
Large text Sticker no.1 nakukun
Name sticker sent to yayochan
Name sticker3 sent to iichan
Large text Sticker no.1 nakekun
Name sticker sent to yarachan
Name sticker3 sent to iuchan
Large text Sticker no.1 nakokun
Name sticker sent to yarichan
Name sticker3 sent to iechan
Large text Sticker no.1 nasakun
Name sticker sent to yaruchan
Name sticker3 sent to iochan
Large text Sticker no.1 nasikun