DAICHI stickers Emoji (5,000)
Large text Sticker no.1 tokekun
Name sticker3 sent to ahechan
Name sticker sent to mohachan
Large text Sticker no.1 tosakun
Name sticker3 sent to anochan
Name sticker sent to mohichan
Large text Sticker no.1 tosikun 2
Name sticker3 sent to ahachan
Name sticker sent to mohuchan
Large text Sticker no.1 tosukun
Name sticker3 sent to ahichan
Name sticker sent to mohechan
Large text Sticker no.1 tosekun
Name sticker3 sent to ahuchan
Name sticker sent to mohochan
Large text Sticker no.1 tosokun
Name sticker3 sent to akechan
Name sticker sent to momachan
Large text Sticker no.1 totakun
Name sticker3 sent to akuchan
Name sticker sent to momichan
Large text Sticker no.1 totikun
Name sticker3 sent to akichan
Name sticker sent to momuchan
Large text Sticker no.1 totukun
Name sticker3 sent to akachan
Name sticker sent to momechan
Large text Sticker no.1 totokun
Name sticker3 sent to aochan
Name sticker3 sent to aechan
Name sticker sent to momochan
Large text Sticker no.1 tonakun
Name sticker sent to moyachan
Large text Sticker no.1 tonikun
Name sticker sent to moyuchan
Large text Sticker no.1 tonukun