aoi-mizu themes (647)
Nothing is more fun than love.
Is the sky so beautiful?
Oh, did you forget it?
When you can choose the change yourself.
Do you have a dream you can't give up?
User's daily effort is required.
Time to face oneself increased.
Your presence is the source of my power.
Children are amazing!
How to leave memories.
I of the present help later me.
All right! You cannot only do it now.
You don't have to work hard alone.
The strength to accept the reality.
People are attracted to individuality.
I have my way of fighting.
One ability is to be able to continue.
What if people aren't lively?
Escape is to say "may not be possible"
What I can teach my children
Don't use bad mood as a weapon.
Schools are separated by chimes.
There's no regret "I have said too much"
I will say it again and again.