aoi-mizu themes (647)
The darkness that seems to be inhaled.
Do not hesitate.
First, ask her what she is thinking.
Heart of nothing.
Without being afraid of a change.
I may not know myself yet.
Work is born intermittently.
Don't be engulfed in fury.
Ok if you know how to recover when fail
I do not like fixed thoughts.
Nothing can be done without rules
Let's at least do it!
I know, but tears come out more and more
Everything depends on your mindset.
Irritation near in anger.
A reward is not paid to housework.
There is a first time in anything.
Content to write is the most important.
I didn't express feelings facing people.
The ability to produce good questions.
A little ingenuity will give you room.
The future is something you don't know.
Is there a this meaning?
No one can turn back time.